Library materials can be borrowed upon presentation of a valid membership card.
LOAN PERIODAll library materials*….. 21 days
*some exceptions apply
When borrowing materials, you receive a delivery slip with a list of borrowed materials.
EXTENDING THE LOAN PERIODThe loan period of borrowed materials may be extended several times.
We recommend that you extend the return period a day or two before the expiration date, because due to reservations and restrictions, the extension does not always succeed and you have time to return the material on time. If you are unable to visit us, use Cobiss + or the mCOBISS application.You can also call the library for an extension.
EXTENSION PERIODAll library materials* …..14 days
*Reserved materials can not be extended.
Library materials can be returned during working hours. In Celje, you can return the material in the automated return system at the main entrance door 24/7.
Be sure to take a receipt and check the statement with each loan or return.
You can reserve the material in the Cobiss + catalog (My COBISS profile - Login), in the mCOBISS application, by phone or in person at the library.
You will receive a notification of pending reserved materials as an SMS or e-mail. The deadline for acceptance or cancellation of reservation is three days.
Unclaimed ordered or reserved material…..1,00 €